How it works

Analysis Careers offers customized training and mentoring plans to each client based on their individual preferences, experiences, knowledge, and skills. Our adaptive system is efficient and easy to follow.


Fill Contact form

Fill out our contact form with all your details, including contact no., schedule, a copy of your resume, demographics, etc.


Free Consultation

One of our experienced consultants will contact you to learn more about you for your career assessment


Individualized Plan

Based on the meeting, our consultant will revert back within 24 hours with a customized training and mentor program to suit your schedule and preferences.


Payment Method

Once everything is settled, we send you a copy of the invoice to facilitate payment.


Live Training

Once the payment is cleared, you will be assigned an online class, which maintains lecture recordings for up to one year.


Assigning Mentors

Once everything is set up, we assign you the right type of tutor or mentor to train you.


Add-on services

We also offer discounted Add-on services to our clients, which includes CV creation, job search, job negotiation, interview support, etc.

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